My standard clipping services are available year round, in the Glasgow area - I cover most areas within 30 mins of Galston (KA4), and I’m happy to travel further for small groups of horses.To book in, please contact me via my Facebook page - Baxter Equine Services.

Traditional clipping, blending (ideal for natives!), and custom clipping appointments are available year round.
I have battery powered clippers, so I’m available on yards that don’t have a mains power supply. I'm also happy to tie in with vet appointments for horses needing sedation
I cover most areas within 30 mins of Glasgow Southside (G77), and I’m happy to travel further for small groups of horses.
Different plaiting styles are available for different shows/occasions. Faux plaits or extensions are available on request.

Different mane and tail ‘tidy’ methods are available - tailored to suit each individual horses mane/tail. Different lengths, styles, and techniques to suit each horse.
One to one lessons are available - we’ll take a look at your horse's mane, and pick a couple of styles to suit. You’ll get to have a go at the plaits you like, and it’s also a good opportunity to try out some plaiting products!

Plaiting and/or clipping demos are available for yards or shows. Your Horse Live 2019 was my first big show, and hopefully there will be more to come!
We look at different styles of clips, blending, which clippers and blades to use for different coat types.
For plaiting we look at different styles for different manes.