
I've been so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with a number of different companies and businesses. I believe that many of the companies now are taking much more interest in what professional grooms think of their products, and are really listening to the feedback they are being given.
I won't ever take on a Brand Ambassador role for any grooming based companies - there's a huge range of products on the market, and no one company makes all the products that I need, so I would never restrict myself to being attached to one brand.
There’s a number of amazing brands out there, and I find that each have their own stand out products - it all comes down to preference and what type of horse you’ll be using a specific product on!
Your makeup bag won’t be ‘one brand’ - you pick what products work best for you!
All of the products that I use have been tested out on different types of horses, and over a period of months, if not years, and all of the products that I write about on my site are ones that I rate highly.
If you are interested in collaborating, please feel free to contact me through phone or email.
Current Brand Roles

Brand Ambassador
Liveryman is my go-to brand for all of my clipping equipment - in all of my clipping tutorials you will see me using Liveryman clippers!
If you are interested in purchasing any clippers, trimmers, or blades you will find a stockist list on their website.
Liveryman also have a servicing, repairs and sharpening department - contact them to get your clippers booked in!